Axe Throwing: Tips and Misconceptions

Tips and Misconceptions

Safety, Tips, and Common Misconceptions Debunked

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in the sport of axe throwing?

Delirium Axe Throwing welcomes you to an exhilarating experience that combines skill, precision, and a therapeutic dash of adrenaline.

Before you step up to the line and let loose your first throw, we’ll provide some tips and address some common misconceptions that may be holding you back from fully enjoying this unique activity.


Pay close attention to how the axe hits the board: If you’re struggling to land it, you may be adding rotation to the axe by flicking your wrists. At a distance of 12-15 feet, the axe will complete one full rotation from where you throw it to the target.

If the axe doesn’t hit with the blade but instead with the top of the head, you may be too far and need to take a small step forward.

If the axe hits the target with the handle, you may be too close and need to take a small step back.

If you’re struggling with power: This may mean either you’re hitting the target with the blade of the axe but it’s not sticking, or you can’t make the axe reach the target. If this is the case, start about two feet behind where you normally would with your feet together instead of staggered.

When you go to throw- instead of rocking back and forth- you’re going to take a step forward with your dominant foot, engage your core, and forcefully drive your elbows down at the same time as the throw. This will give your throw significantly more power.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About Axe Throwing

Despite its growing popularity, axe throwing is often surrounded by misconceptions.

Let’s debunk some of the most common myths:

Axe Throwing is Dangerous: While axe throwing involves sharp objects, when practiced in a controlled environment with proper safety measures in place, the risk of injury is minimal. Our trained instructors ensure that participants receive thorough safety instructions and supervision throughout their sessions.

Axe Throwing is Only for Lumberjacks and Experts:

You don’t need to be a lumberjack or have prior experience to enjoy axe throwing. It’s a recreational activity suitable for people of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned throwers. Our staff is here to provide guidance and support to help you improve your technique and have a great time.

Axe Throwing Requires Exceptional Strength:

Contrary to popular belief, axe throwing relies more on technique and precision than sheer strength. With the right form and practice, individuals of all ages and fitness levels can successfully participate in this thrilling activity.

In conclusion, axe throwing is a safe, accessible, and exhilarating game that offers a unique way to unwind and test your skills. Whether you’re planning a fun outing with friends, a team-building event, looking to destress, or simply looking for a new hobby, Delirium Axe Throwing provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable and addicting experience.

Join us at Delirium and discover the joy of hitting the bullseye, one throw at a time.

How to Throw an Axe