From Weapon to Entertainment – Axe Throwing

Axes from different time periods

The axe is one of the oldest tools and weapons used by mankind. This tool dates as far back as the Stone Age.

Over 2.5 million years ago, humans lived by hunting and fishing, tools like the axe were crucial for survival and livelihood. The oldest axes were known as hand axes and were a pear-shaped stone with an even point. It wasn’t until much later when the wooden handle was added. During the Bronze age the original stone axe was replaced by a head made of copper and bronze. 

Throughout history the axe lost and gained popularity. For example, in Europe the axe declined in popularity as the sword was developed, but the axe remained a go-to tool for the lower class. In the Nordic region, the battle axe became a symbol of power and rank during the Viking Age.

Fast forward to the mid-19th century, before industrialization, forestry and aggressive logging provided an opportunity and an increase in demand for axes. This eventually led to the birth of axe throwing as a sport.  The Logger sports of the 1940s grew out of competitions within lumber camps to show who was the best lumberjack.

In the 20th century, the Backyard Axe Throwing League (BATL) brought urban axe throwing to the masses. In 2006, a group of friends in Toronto decided to throw an axe at a stump; this was the start of a worldwide sport! Many people may be intimidated by the idea of throwing an axe. However, it’s one of those primal things that feels cathartic – and there’s no better feeling than hitting the bullseye! 

Today the International Axe Throwing Federation (IATF) counts more than 77M axes thrown worldwide. Commercial axe throwing locations like Delirium Axe Throwing provide you the opportunity to participate in a sport that has been around for decades. Come experience what the fuss is all about! Become a part of this competitor-friendly community today. Book your session now!

Perfect for Team Building

How to Throw an Axe